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 About me



  Rover stuff

I was born in Medan, a small city in north of Sumatra, Indonesia. As I mentioned in the main page some bugger misspelled my name on my birth certificate. I was born on the 2nd of April which apparently makes me an Aries and of Late Quaternary age. My fullname is Dany Paskalis Ghozali (so there, the embarassing middle name is out in the open). Since I'm sick of people misspelling my misspelled name I try to get them to call me Dan.

There is nothing spectacular about me really. Just the usual two eyes, two legs, two arms, etc. I live with my girlfriend of 4 years (or so), Sarah Wheaton, in a small granny flat not far from University. We have a black and white moggy called Pat (named after postman Pat). Now, Pat is a very magical cat. Somehow she manages to ruin every attempt I made to photograph her.  In one attempt she made the film snap as I tried to wind the film back into the canister and in another she stopped the film from winding froward after each shot resulting in multiple images on one frame. The shot appears to have a ghostly image of the cat in the center.....spooky, huh?

Talking about University, I am a 3rd stage geology student at the University of Canterbury, in Christchurch, on the South Island of New Zealand. Christchurch is a small but very nice city. I had two choices of Universities when I moved here from Australia. I could go to Auckland or Canterbury University. I picked Canterbury because it was the furthest from where my parents were without going too far south into the miserable cold extremeties. However my parents decided to follow us over. Oh well, so much for *that* idea.

Click here to read more about Christchurch.

Well, that was a bit about me and more about the cat. I'll write something more when I can think of some more (and be bothered to).

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