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I am a member of the Canterbury branch of Shinryukan. It is an Aikido club affiliated with the Aikikai Hombu Dojo through Nubuo Takase shihan in Auckland. There are many pages out there that explain the root and philosophy of Aikido better than I could ever do. So I won't even bother going through all that.

The Canterbury branch is headed by Andrew Williamson (Godan). There is a whole bunch of other instructors starting from Shodan. The local branch has a membership of approximately 50 to 60 members (I think). I have no idea what the membership of New Zealand Shinryukan is.

In Christchurch we practise in two locations. The main dojo is on the corner of Morley Ave and Clyde Rd. We also have two sessions at the University gym.

I have practised Aikido on and off for the total of almost 2 years. I hold a lowly rank of Gokyu (5th kyu). It's a fun way of staying fit. You get to throw people around the mat and try to fold and twist them into interesting but painful shapes. The only catch is they get to do the same thing to you!

One thing I particularly like about Aikido as opposed to other popular arts such as Karate or Tae Kwon Do is the lack of competitiveness. The only person you are competing with is yourself. You practise to perfect your techniques and help others in theirs (if they need it). I've been in other sports where the competition is cut-throat and the only way you get to the top is by being an arrogant shit who won't help anyone in need. After less then one year in that sport I went back regreting the time I spent away from Aikido.

For those of you in Christchurch interested in Aikido please email me for contact details. I do not have it with me while I am writing this. I will try and put it on this page. Unfortunately the club has no official web site or email contact.

Recent update (2Mar99) I have just obtained the rank of yonkyu over the summer vacation. The next rank (sankyu) is going to be a rather expensive one.

I have found a very good link to Aikido resources while cleaning up my bookmarks file.  The Aikido FAQ is an extensive site containing history, philosophy, and vocabulary of Aikido as well as information on O-Sensei.

17 Jun After handing over the cash I went through the grading a few weeks ago and now am a Sankyu. Occassionally I feel like I've just painted a target on my forehead. Great for improving your ukemi though. Now I have the priveledge of having brown dye rubbing off into my gi and being thrown around for the education of others. Yippeeee!

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